Emmanuel Macron wants Emily to stay in

Emmanuel Macron wants Emily to stay in
Emmanuel Macron wants Emily to stay in Paris

The President of the Republic, in an interview with the magazine Variety, asked for the hit series to remain in the capital.

He is proud of it. Emmanuel Macron wants the successful series Emily in stays in the French capital and said to himself « super iron » of the fleeting appearance of his wife in an episode, in an interview with the American cultural magazine Variety on Wednesday.

Asked about the fact that the Netflix phenomenon series left Paris for Rome before the fifth season, the French president replied: « We will fight hard. And we will ask them to stay in Paris! Emily in Paris in Rome makes no sense ».
For the head of state, the series is « super positive in terms of attractiveness for the country ».

Also readIn the Marais or in Saint-Germain-des-Prés, 45m2 minimum: with her salary, could Emily really buy an apartment “in Paris”?

About Brigitte Macron’s participation in the fourth season, « she was very happy to do it. It only lasts a few minutes but I think it was a really good time for her »continues the President of the Republic.

« The idea for the cameo came to us when Darren Star (the creator of the program) and I met her at the Élysée in December 2022,” revealed Lily Collins, star of “Emily in Paris »in the magazine Elle. « I’m less attractive than Brigitte! »also slips Emmanuel Macron when Variety asks him if the producers asked him to make an appearance.

Since its launch in 2020, the series has unleashed audiences and hit the headlines. There are those who love it, those who hate it, and those who love to hate it.

Emily in Paris was notably criticized at its beginnings in for perpetuating a fantasy about the City of Lights which has a hard life, from the beret to the “bon vivant” Frenchman, or for presenting a sanitized capital, very, sometimes too much, « instagrammable ».



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