Dieppe from A to Z through the sculptures of Marc Dray

Dieppe from A to Z through the sculptures of Marc Dray
Dieppe from A to Z through the sculptures of Marc Dray

By Veronique Weber
Published on

10 May 24 at 2:06 p.m.

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It is an ode to Dieppe (Seine-Maritime) that offers Marc Dray from May 11 to 19, 2024 at the Dieppe Congress Hall. The sculptor who settled in Dieppe in the early 2000s expresses all his love for the city by presenting it from A to Z through the presentation of alphabetical sculptures and alphabet poems.

For each letter of the alphabet, Marc has designed a homage sculpture in Dieppe. To its history, its present and its future. “The star of this exhibition is Dieppe! », he slips into a broad smile.

From A like Ango to Z like Zodiac

In this poetic ode, Marc Dray speaks about the the most emblematic references from the city to the four ports: from the shipowner Jehan Ango to the letter A, to the letter Z with Zodiac in reference to the SNSM, via the letter D with the Duchess of Berry or the letter I with ivory.

He admits that some letters gave him a hard time. Like the this letter by creating “a Marc Dray-style xylophone”.

Inspired by the surrealists

The artist is inspired by the surrealists, Max Ernst and Raoul Haussman in particular. To create, he uses “rejects which in fact are not any”. Armchair armrest, broken industrial machine, household appliance… as long as they are unusual and damaged, all can be used by the artist to create.

“I started picking up trash early in Paris, 40 years ago. I always loved misappropriation of object. It’s like a rebirth. We start from nothing to arrive at a whole. It’s a kind of writing for me,” he slips. He then lets imagination and poetry do their work.

An exhibition highlighted

Finally, most of the sculptures created are spray painted, inspired by street art movements. To highlight all these works, ensure the scenography, design the lighting, the Dieppois was able to count on his friends Michel Morin, Pierre Hamon and Gilles Lambert.

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The public will be able to go from surprise to surprise and with each sculpture discover a poem by Marc Dray.

Exhibition visible from May 11 to 19, every day from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. at the Dieppe Congress Hall.

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