Disability support associations are already seeing positive effects

Disability support associations are already seeing positive effects
Disability support associations are already seeing positive effects

The box of Artus’ film, A little something extrahelps to highlight the realities experienced by people with disabilities according to associations.

It’s this year’s unexpected cinema success. The film A little something extra, directed by comedian and actor Artus, recorded 1.12 million admissions in just one week. This is the second highest score of the year behind the American blockbuster Dune 2. A film on the subject of disability, with actors with mental disabilities who aim to laugh “with” disabled people, and not at their expense. Around ten amateur actors with disabilities also play in the film.

The film depicts a son and his father on the run, forced to find refuge in a summer camp for young adults with disabilities.

And this success would already help to change mentalities. As we left the cinema, as we were able to see, smiles were displayed on many faces. “We want to help the associations that help these people. I think I’m going to make a contribution,” assures a won over spectator.

“I think it’s a very sincere film, which can help. People who feel a little less comfortable around a person with a disability can become so,” says another.

“There is a peak in requests”

One week since the film was released and associations are already seeing the positive effects. This is the case of Culture Relax, which promotes access to culture for people with disabilities.

“We have more calls, more emails… There is a peak in requests. Anything that highlights the realities experienced by people with disabilities is going in the right direction,” judges Amar Nafa, general director of the association.

Still a long way to go

A film that raises awareness and demystifies preconceived ideas about disability. But that’s not enough for Pascale Ribes, president of the APF France Handicap association.

“The impact remains limited, it would take a lot of films like this to be able to change the outlook sustainably over time,” she believes.

Proof that distrust is still strong, according to a survey by the National Consultative Commission on Human Rights, in 2023, 64% of French people believed that disability is an obstacle to happiness.

Lucas Lauber (edited by JA)

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