Relive in images and videos the official launch of Champs Libres from the Nonancourt town hall park

Relive in images and videos the official launch of Champs Libres from the Nonancourt town hall park
Relive in images and videos the official launch of Champs Libres from the Nonancourt town hall park

A whole first day of shows, this Thursday, May 9, in the Avre valley announces the start of four days of cultural and artistic activities with the Agglo du Pays de Dreux. Even the voices of the officials are in tune…

First shows, first emotions, on this first day of the Champs Libres festival which announced the great promises of this second edition imagined by the Agglo du Pays de Dreux.

After a day in Saint-Lubin-des-Joncherets, head to the park of the town hall of Nonancourt where, at 6:18 p.m. sharp, the show of the official opening of the festival brings together many spectators, reassured by the mild weather.

The evening promises to be magical with Delphine Coûtant and two other musicians offering a concert perched in the park of Nonancourt town hall.

The musician is perched on a century-old tree in the park four meters above the ground. An invitation to gain height and indulge in daydreaming with these acrobatic musicians who perform delicate tunes.

Speeches staged in a more rhythmic way

Time for official speeches. But, this year, as promised, in a slightly different format: the elected officials appeared at the windows of the town hall to the tune of Lalaland.

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Gérard Sourisseau, the president of the Agglo said after the speeches:

“It annoyed me last year to ruin the atmosphere with speeches that were too long. This year, we made it shorter and more rhythmic.”

Gérard Sourisseau (president of the Agglo du Pays de Dreux)

Same tone from Christelle Minard, vice-president of the Agglo who confides “We rehearsed all morning to be on point. This was important to us”.

As for Damien Stépho, vice president in charge of culture, he became a poet on the balcony.

He promises: “we will go even further next year”.

The keys to the festival are given to the mayor of Nonancourt. This time it’s really going for a summer evening and three more days of shows.



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NEXT Valady. Jean Couet-Guichot and Gaya Wisniewski, two artists in residence within the region