his funeral will be held on Tuesday May 14 in Beaujolais – Libération

his funeral will be held on Tuesday May 14 in Beaujolais – Libération
his funeral will be held on Tuesday May 14 in Beaujolais – Libération

The funeral of the TV presenter and writer who died on May 6 will take place next Tuesday in Quincié-en-Beaujolais (Rhône), the village of his childhood. A final tribute to Paris, the date of which must be fixed, will be paid to him.

His wish to be buried in the village of his childhood was respected. The funeral of Bernard Pivot, pillar of the literary media world who died on May 6, will take place on Tuesday May 14 in Quincié-en-Beaujolais, the town where he grew up. The host ofApostrophes was also a municipal councilor there, and even bought a house there. The religious ceremony will take place at the beginning of the afternoon in the small village church.

“I know that a place awaits me in the cemetery in my parents’ grave”confided the host in 2018 to Progress, the local newspaper. The Quincié library even bears his name. “Twice a year, the mayor takes his car to pick up several hundred books that I donate to the library”he reported then.

But although he devoted his life to literature, Bernard Pivot nonetheless remained a recognized ambassador of the world of wine. And in particular Beaujolais, which he defended as fiercely as it is unloved. “I am viscerally attached to the Beaujolais terroir, to the land, the vines, the wine, the cellars, the presses and the memories of the harvest.” This is why a ritual was established: each year, a vintage from the Quincié-en-Beaujolais cooperative cellar bore his name. Another sign of a deep attachment to his roots in the Lyon region – which he had only disowned for a time to embrace the cause of the Saint-Etienne football club.

The announcement of the death of this legendary television figure gave way to a crowd of unanimous tributes. “[Il] will remain this smuggler, popular and demanding, dear to the hearts of the French” President Emmanuel Macron reacted. A tribute will soon be paid to him in Paris – the date and details of the ceremony have not yet been set.



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