A roaring “Monster Truck” show arrives in Martigues for three from May 10

A roaring “Monster Truck” show arrives in Martigues for three from May 10
A roaring “Monster Truck” show arrives in Martigues for three from May 10

With around fifteen vehicles including four giant monster trucks, the show promises to be impressive. Their posters are everywhere and their leaflets are on every windshield. The Gontelle family, who have been traveling the south of France for more than 20 years, arrive in Martigues. They will give three shows: this Friday May 10 at 8 p.m. as well as Saturday May 11 and Sunday May 12 at 4 p.m.

Car crashes, tricks, and jumps into flames are planned to amaze spectators. To manage these fifteen machines and organize this show, there are only seven of them, both stuntmen and mechanics. But “there is nothing dangerous“, assures one of the organizers, explaining that security and supervision will be provided by the stuntmen themselves. Concerning the pollution caused by this type of show, the organizers are delaying: “We pollute less than the cars passing by!

Attract families

According to the stuntmen, it is a show for all audiences which will be given this weekend. But with several vehicles decorated on the theme of Cars, Thoror Paw Patrol, the ambition seems to be to attract especially families. As for the fishermen in the surrounding area, whose peace of mind will inevitably be called into question with the arrival of these giant machines, they assure that this does not bother them. : “On the contrary, it provides entertainment for little ones.” Shows that should delight young and old alike, therefore.

Formerly based in Sausset-les-Pins, the Gontelle family enjoys relative success in each city where they perform. Alexandre, who has been following the troupe for some time, confirms this: “Their stands are often full, so yes, we can say that they are popular in the region. […] The audience reacts well to each performance.” If the family has traveled the entire region, and more, this is the first time that they have put the handbrake on in Martigues territory.

The stuntmen are delighted with the “good welcome” which they received and say they are confident for this weekend. They expect between 150 and 200 spectators per day. The only risk for the good performance of the shows: rain. In the event of a downpour, the organizers would be forced to cancel the performance, in particular because “people don’t go out“. Moreover, we can imagine that the jumps in the flames would be less impressive in the rain…

But the weather should not harm our stuntmen. Let’s hope for them that their Monster Truck adorned with the god of thunder does not attract lightning…

10child, 15adult.



NEXT Valady. Jean Couet-Guichot and Gaya Wisniewski, two artists in residence within the region