Sèvremoine. A new theater season full of projects

Sèvremoine. A new theater season full of projects
Sèvremoine. A new theater season full of projects

In Torfou, Theater & Co has resumed its activities for the 2024-2025 season. The two troupes, those of January and March, have already laid the first stones of this new theatrical adventure.

The January troupe met in July to choose the play that will mark its return to the stage. This anticipation testifies to the motivations of its actors to offer a worked and accomplished show. The March troupe, for its part, has also selected its piece and has already started rehearsals.

Dedicated volunteers

Cecile Toyactress of the March troupe since 2023, takes on the role of workshop manager by supervising the three groups. Under her direction, the participants are preparing a show which will be presented in May 2025. With her passion for the stage, she breathes new dynamics into these workshops.

The traveling troupe is not left out. She will perform her piece “When memory loses the head”, at theEspace Bellevue, GétignéOctober 8, at 8 p.m., and October 25 and 31, in Mortagne-sur-Sèvre.

She will then begin rehearsals for a new piece on a different theme

The association’s volunteers are also back, ready to get involved in bringing to life the sets and costumes that will enhance future productions. Jacqueline Jobard renewed her commitment as president for another year. With her infectious energy and her desire to bring the theater to life in Torfou, she coordinates all the volunteers with talent.



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