This escape game is the largest in , 22 immersive rooms to discover in the Oise


Adrien Deschepper

Published on

Oct 6, 2024 at 6:02 p.m.

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“It’s one of the rare hobbies where you can mix all generations.” HAS Saint Maximinin the south of Oise, is “Freeing”, the largest escape game in ! Composed of 22 roomsit offers players the opportunity to immerse themselves in varied universes to solve immersive puzzles in order to escape from the rooms where they are locked up.

“When we opened in 2018, it was the beginning of the escape game, it was really starting to explode,” remembers Renaud Dayen, one of the two partners running this giant leisure space.

People drive 2 hours to get there

“We started with 7 rooms, then we opened new ones over the years. We became the largest in France in 2022. It happened by chance, we didn’t think we would expand so much. In a few years, the escape game has become popular, there are now all over the world.”

So much so that players have become real enthusiasts and addicts. “We have teams that come from very far away. Experts come from Switzerland, Belgium, the south of France… Our traditional clientele travel up to 2 hours to come and play here,” continues the co-founder.

Being the largest escape game in France means our customers know they will have choices. We pay very close attention to our players, I want them to be satisfied. My goal is for them to come back.

Renaud Dayen
Co-manager of Freeing

Family and horror rooms

And obviously, with 22 different rooms, there is something for everyone.

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“Sorcerers’ Legacy” inspired by the Harry Potter universe, “Ghostbusters”, “The Cursed Ship” in the time of pirates, “ZooManJi”, “Back in Time” inspired by a famous film from science fiction from the 1980s… “family” roomswith magnificent and “homemade” decors, accessible to children and adults “who don’t want to be afraid”.

As a team, players must solve puzzles to be able to advance in the game and escape the rooms where they are locked. (©Freeing)

“It’s the theme of the games that makes them popular or not. Players want to be in history, in special effects…”, develops Renaud Dayen. Games also accessible to novices.

Every day, we have new families who come who have never done an escape game. Six years after our opening, we have already had more than 200,000 people play.

Renaud Dayen
Co-manager of Freeing

At the same time, Freeing also offers horror rooms for those who want to shiver, or even scream in fear. “We have atmospheric horror games, that is to say games that are scary but without an actor, and then extreme games with actors who will come and interact with the players.”

The decorations in escape game rooms are “homemade”, like here, used for a horror game. (©Adrien Deschepper / Oise News)

“Some of our games are very scary,” insists the co-creator of Freeing. He cites the “Saw massacre” inspired by the famous film series, the “Buried Alive” where the players begin their game locked in a coffin and the immersive game “Asylum” in which they will have to go to a abandoned psychiatric hospital.

A forest horror game for Halloween

Perfect games for Halloween! A particularly important celebration for Freeing and its thirty employees. “It’s that time of year,” says Renaud Dayen. “Every year we get better at decorating. It’s a celebration that has grown in importance in France in recent years.”

This year, a special event will be organized on the night of October 31. From 7 p.m. to 1 a.m., 80 people will go into the middle of the forest to solve “a chilling investigation”, surrounded by 20 distressing actors.

“We organize this with an association called Wintercan, which specializes in this. The players will be chased into the forest,” whispers the manager. “All the places were sold within a few days.”

Soon two new rooms

Building on its success, the largest escape game in France plans to expand further. This will go through theopening of a 23e salle game “end of October or beginning of November”. It will be called “The Sect” and will be inspired by a horror film.

Then, in March 2025, a new theme will be created in an already existing room. “It will be on the theme of adventure, in a family atmosphere.”

Practical information:

Freeing Escape Game,
195, rue Claire Lacombe, 60740 Saint Maximin,
Open Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 2 p.m. to 11 p.m., Saturday and Sunday from 10:30 a.m. to 11 p.m.,
Reservation here.

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