Cribs. On gospel, Aliya made a sensation

Cribs. On gospel, Aliya made a sensation
Cribs. On gospel, Aliya made a sensation

The world suddenly started singing this week for the gospel group Vocal Colors from Bressols, who are getting back into action with appointments that set the tone. This week, the group delivered a superb concert in the Protestant temple of Nègrepelisse, in front of a delighted audience. It was in support of a beautiful program that the recital was able to take place under the leadership of singer Kathy Boyé, always moved when the notes take us into a farandole of pleasures. Gospel singing can touch the soul in a unique way, bringing serenity and inner peace that illuminates everyday life: “One always feels immeasurable joy while singing, letting all worries fly away into the air”, we confides a singer after the concert.

A bright child

Gospel is characterized by a way of being, of reclaiming one’s body, one’s words and one’s emotions, all anchored in a very rich message and a call, that of the Gospel. A state of mind which seems to be transmitted to extend the boundaries of singing in Bressols, since this week’s concert was marked by a symbolic event. A Bressolese child joined the choir, to connect to the group and to the essential. It was Aliya Himmiche, a charming eight-year-old young lady, who officially made her first appearance in public, a great moment of emotion: “What joy for us to welcome this new freshness into our ranks” commented the singers of Vocal Colors. With apprehension and shyness, Aliya succeeded in her first performance, fervently translating this beautiful moment to sing, and the best time to put yourself to music is whenever you can.



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