Whoopi Goldberg reveals what made her quit drugs

Whoopi Goldberg feared her cocaine addiction would kill her.

The Oscar winner became addicted to drugs during her early years in Hollywood, revealing she would go to parties where sedative pills and cocaine were handed out for free, which led her to some very dark places.

She opened up about her struggles in her new book “Bits and Pieces: My Mother, My Brother, and Me”: “I was invited to parties where I was was greeted at the door with a bowl of Quaaludes from which I could pick whatever I wanted. Lines of cocaine were laid out on the tables and bathroom counters for consumption.

Whoopi explains that her circle of friends had a relaxed attitude towards drugs and that she did not consider cocaine “dangerous”.

She admits she became “very dependent” for about a year but then began to worry when she realized she was becoming “careless” on film sets. The turning point came when she stayed at a luxury hotel in New York and a friend gave her cocaine as a birthday present.

Whoopi revealed she ended up sitting in her bedroom cupboard to sort through the drugs, but was disturbed by a maid.

She writes: “I screamed. She screamed, backed away and seemed to want to run away. I had to approach her quickly and try to calm her down. She was staring at my face while I spoke.”

Whoopi eventually fixed the situation but when she looked in the mirror, the star noticed that she had white powder all over her face. She later revealed that it made her feel ashamed and pushed her to quit.

“The View” star added, “I would have been so embarrassed if my mom had known how much coke had a hold on me…I knew I would have to change friends and turn down invitations. I didn’t want to die.”



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