“It made me suffer”: Inès Reg, who was “afraid of losing” her audience, looks back on her clash with Natasha St-Pier in “Dancing with the Stars”

“It made me suffer”: Inès Reg, who was “afraid of losing” her audience, looks back on her clash with Natasha St-Pier in “Dancing with the Stars”
“It made me suffer”: Inès Reg, who was “afraid of losing” her audience, looks back on her clash with Natasha St-Pier in “Dancing with the Stars”

“Today, it’s part of my story. I’m very peaceful.”

The artist, who confirms the tensions behind the scenes of the show where she finished in third position, then returns to the alleged death threats between them. “There never was, even Natasha St-Pier said so. But behind it, there was an outpouring of hatred, messages on social networks, death threats. I’ve experienced some horrible things, even though it’s on the Internet, on a daily basis, it’s difficult.”

In the end, Ines Reg – who will soon be performing in Belgium – says she has no regrets about this story. “If it happened, it was because I had to experience it, I believe enormously in destiny. I tell myself that there will be a rebound at one point or another. If I experienced that, the doubts, the suffering, but also the success in the dances, the discovery of my own body and a new art, all of that has meaning and will unlock things. It made me grow up and understand a new world, that of TV, of the media.” And to conclude. “Today, it’s part of my story. I’m very peaceful.”



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