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Jean-Luc Mongrain opens up about the ordeal he experienced with his wife

Jean-Luc Mongrain was the guest artist on the show For oncewhere he was given short interviews with well-known public figures.

It was during his one-on-one meeting with Luc Senay that he discussed his love story with his partner, Lindaand the trials they had to go through over the course of their 36 years as a couple, especially at the beginning of their relationship.

Capture Tele-Quebec

He began by telling how before they met, both of them had seriously ill fathers and had seen their mothers take care of their husbands. This brought a different vision of love for Jean-Luc and he wanted to know if his sweetheart would do the same for him.

“What I wanted to know about her, apart from love at first sight, because love at first sight happens, and then beauty comes. But it’s when the weather is bad that you have to know who you’re with. Will you push my chair if something happens to me?Yes. She told me the same thing, I told her the same thing,” he confided. Mongrain.

Capture Tele-Quebec

It was later that he confided in his wife about her cancer, which arrived two years after this discussion. An ordeal that transformed the couple.

“When your wife, whom you just met, is 35, and then she finds out she has cancer and you don’t know the outcome (…) When the doctors wonder what it is. Then she goes a year without eating… she gargles to freeze her esophagus, so she can eat soft food. Then you’re in radiation therapy, never knowing how it’s going to end (…) And you’re a blended family, you have a little boy, and she has a little girl, and the four of us live together. I come home from the hospital one night, and the two kids ask me what’s going to happen. Well, I said: Nothing will happen, everything will be fine, then go to bed. I opened a small beer… Because that’s it, there’s no sight, you wait for things to happen and you pray that it works,” he adds, referring to this early period of the relationship which was clearly not easy.

Capture Tele-Quebec

The rest went well for the lovers, since the treatments worked for Lindaand everything always goes very well for her.

A very touching moment in the company of Jean-Luc Mongrain!



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