Régis, the majestic return of the touchy Geneva singer

Régis, the majestic return of the touchy Geneva singer
Régis, the majestic return of the touchy Geneva singer

Published on September 20, 2024 at 9:57 p.m.

In the heart of the disenchanted parenthesis that was the pandemic, Régis delivered Hell is usa sacrificed album that he could only defend for the space of a date between two episodes of club closures. For the Geneva singer, hell ended with a long silence of four years, punctuated by the incessant remarks of professionals asking him if he had put away his notebooks and his machines. In the meantime, Régis the touchy one took a step back. Life went on, loves were undone, remade, a child appeared and – with him – a new impetus, the desire for a more direct relationship with the listener, skin to skin or almost.

Flashback. In 2016, a new voice was heard in the Swiss musical panorama. Veiled, smoky, it nestled in a woody interlacing of bass and guitar. Régis then appeared as a disillusioned crooner in Walka love song with a very 1980s minimalism. The seductive effect is immediate, generated as much by the mix of fragility and arrogance of the performer as by the melodic carousel. Followed by a first album that bears his name, recorded with local musicians and signed on the Cheptel label. The clever balance between pop and song as well as the tormented accents of the voice contribute to making the young Geneva singer the artist to follow. However, after a few concerts, a long silence. Régis hibernates and refines his project.

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