ESIS will be moving to from the start of the 2024 academic year

A creative and technical school, ESIS prepares future professionals in L’image and sound to integrate the film or music industry. Created by experts aware of market requirements, ESIS has developed a program focused on professionalization, with a pedagogy based on the completion of projects as part of the school’s training.

Initially based in , ESIS will be deployed in from the start of the 2024 school year. The capital of Flanders, known for its cultural and creative dynamism, offers an environment conducive to the training of students in audiovisual and sound. They will be able to feed off the excitement of this city which accompanies the growth of various sectors (digital, video games, etc.).

The ESIS Masters in Screenwriting and Production

The Master’s in Screenwriting and Directing offered by ESIS in Lille offers a global vision of the audiovisual industry, through a theoretical and practical training. The creative and technical program will allow students to acquire advanced skills and prepare for the reality and challenges of the sector audiovisual.

During the 2 years of this training offered in alternation, students will become experts in screenwriting, development and production of works and formats for cinema, television, Internet and streaming platforms (fiction, documentary, short-comedy, clip or docu-fiction). They will therefore be able to meet writing and production needs of content from various players in the audiovisual world. The immersion in the professional world allowed by the work-study program will also give an advantage to graduates, who will enter the job market with a background and knowledge of current issues in the sector.

This Master’s degree is accessible to holders of a Bac+3and will issue a title RNCP level 6.

Not to be missed!
Find all our thematic orientation fairs linked to artistic training. You will meet experts, professionals and young graduates to discuss your future career. It is also a unique opportunity to discover the many professions that exist and to ask your questions during the conferences!

Qualified equipment and teachers

Latest generation equipment and technical tools are made available to students so that they can work in the best conditions: film sets, HD cameras, radio studio, microphones… They will thus be able to try out all the techniques likely to be part of their daily professional life in the future.

Courses at ESIS are taught by working professionals who are passionate about the sector and who will share their knowledge with students. know-how and their professional experience.Are you cut out for a career in the audiovisual sector? Take the test to find out!



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