This leisure center is transformed into a large playground for a festival dedicated to young people

This leisure center is transformed into a large playground for a festival dedicated to young people
This leisure center is transformed into a large playground for a festival dedicated to young people


Paul Halbedel

Published on

Sep 17, 2024 at 8:40 p.m.

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Festico’Laurthis is the name of the big party organized each year by the Children and Youth department of the Terres du Lauragais community of communes. On the program: a whole day of free games and activities for children aged 0 to 17.

On Saturday, September 21, the Villefranche-de-Lauragais leisure center will open its doors from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. to transform into a large playground. It must be said that the program of this youth festival will shine with its richness. The theme of this 2024 edition? The world of acrobats! A troupe of circus performers will also roam the entire site to ensure a festive and joyful atmosphere.

Creative hobbies, games, shows…

A storyteller will be present in particular to discover legends and take its audience on extraordinary adventures. shows will take the audience into a dreamlike universe.

Of the creative hobbies will also be on the program thanks to a corner dedicated to the arts and nature. A space dedicated to games (board, wooden or escape) will be set up for fun with family or friends. Teenagers will be able to compete in a tournament of Mario Kart Tourtest the virtual reality or take up the challenges of a escape game on the theme of school bullying.

Water games and cabins for the little ones

Activities suitable for little ones are also planned: stories told, water games, enchanted cabin, giant soap bubbles or even sensory journey.

Videos: currently on News

Finally, parents will not be left out with a space dedicated to parenting where they can exchange ideas with each other, consult books or documents on education, but also benefit from more personalized advice.

Note that families will be able to enjoy a varied catering offer on site provided by food trucks and refresh yourself at the counter of the refreshment bar which will offer cold drinks and fruit juices.

Practical information
Festico’Laur from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. – Villefranche-de-Lauragais intercommunal leisure center.
Free entry.

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