why Alexander’s voluntary abandonment did not result in a replacement

why Alexander’s voluntary abandonment did not result in a replacement
why Alexander’s voluntary abandonment did not result in a replacement

After thirteen days of filming in the Philippines, the 33-year-old osteopath announced to Denis Brogniart his intention to leave the game. A departure that did not allow the eliminated members of the cursed tribe to have a chance of being drafted.

The scene is cruel, dark as the shadow that hovers over the beach of the cursed tribe in this edition of “Koh-Lanta” filmed last spring in the Philippines. The thirteenth day of the adventure was a Source of happiness for some and of deep disappointment for others. Since the first day, four of the 24 candidates in competition have been installed on an inhospitable site on the fringes of the two main teams: if Ilyesse managed to escape, Vanessa, Mélissa and Nathanaël have never left it.

A final test of skill and speed allowed Mélissa and Emmanuelle to join, respectively, the ranks of Sabitang and Pitogo. On the other hand, Vanessa and Nathanaël saw their story in “Koh-Lanta” end without ever having really started. While we thought we would never see them again, the 39-year-old dancer and the 27-year-old forklift driver watched helplessly as the announcement of the voluntary abandonment ofAlexander just before a comfort test.

Also read“Koh-Lanta”: why the candidates of the cursed tribe are really in bad shape

No second chance for the cursed tribe

“It’s a carefully considered decision. I may have underestimated what “Koh-Lanta” was. I decide to give up.”the Parisian osteopath told Denis Brogniart. Unlike “Koh-Lanta, the sacred fire” where the voluntary abandonments of Benjamin and Grâce had allowed Tania and Quentin to return to the game, the production decided to reapply its old rules in “Koh-Lanta, the cursed tribe”. Before each shoot, the participants are informed of the operation that will be applied.

“The mechanics of “Koh-Lanta, the cursed tribe” are that four adventurers live an adventure on the fringes of the main adventureALP explained to us. To get out and join a team, they must not only find a white Anito and then win a duel. They must therefore fight more intensely to join the main adventure. Also, and taking this mechanic into account, we had decided before the start of the adventure not to replace abandonment without medical reason.

Already scarred by their experience within the cursed tribe and by their elimination, Vanessa and Nathanaël also had to watch Alexandre abandon the game without having a chance to replace him. As cruel as letting the losers of a comfort test attend their opponent’s meal. A final torture before returning to . Did the production do this to try to dissuade the osteopath from leaving through the back door? “It’s even harder to swallow, we would have done anything to be in his place”Nathanaël reacted. “It’s a big frustration. We would have loved to have his adventure.”confirmed Vanessa.

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