This is the most common topic only children bring up in therapy, according to one therapist.


Do only children inevitably go through the same questions? One of the subjects that would be recurrent among only children who have become adults is that of loneliness. If they grew up valuing their friendships and extra-familial relationships all the more, Many of them keep in mind that within their family unit, they remain the only ones of their generation. “They have fewer family members to rely on for support than someone who has several siblings. The holidays can be particularly lonely for some only children.because they often don’t have the big family gatherings you see in movies and on television.”explains Rebecca Greene, a mental health therapist at the Huffpost.

Creating a family of your own

However, only children particularly cherish their friendships, which are as much a part of their intimacy as their family members. “There is a saying that if you don’t have a family, start your own – and I believe that wholeheartedly. To build your community, find friends, organizations and community organizations where you can meet like-minded people who can provide you with support that will make you feel like you are among family,” explains the specialist.

This will allow them to get moral support All…

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