Two years after his death, England’s beautiful tribute

Two years after his death, England’s beautiful tribute

Two years ago, on Thursday, September 8, 2022, Elizabeth II died at the age of 96. This Saturday, September 7, 2024, British government spokespersons unveiled the new tribute that would be paid to her.

It has now been almost two years since Queen Elizabeth II passed away at the age of 96. On the eve of the anniversary, the British government revealed in a video posted on Instagram the location of a permanent memorial to her. The monument will be erected in St James’s Park in London, very close to Buckingham Palace, a location chosen for its historical significance and personal connection to the Queen.

Read also: Royal scandal: when the death of Lady Di shook Elizabeth II

Prime Minister Keir Starmer has paid tribute to Queen Elizabeth II, stressing that “her dedication and service to the United Kingdom will never be forgotten.” The memorial, planned next to Marlborough Gate, will also be close to The Mall, the avenue through which royal processions pass during major events, as well as the headquarters of the Commonwealth, an organisation for which the Queen had a deep affection.

A memorial for the Queen

Throughout her reign, she visited no less than 170 member states and explored practically the entire alliance, except for a few new members such as Gabon, Cameroon, Rwanda and Togo. Not far from the monument are already the statues of King George VI and the Queen Mother, the parents of Elizabeth II, to recall once again the inseparable family ties of her…

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