“The Last Dream”, first book by Pedro Almodovar

“The Last Dream”, first book by Pedro Almodovar
Salome Kiner

Published on September 07, 2024 at 12:30 p.m. / Modified on September 07, 2024 at 12:30 p.m.

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Summer 1967. Sitting in the kitchen of his family home in his village in Extremadura, Pedro Almodovar, 18, is frantically banging away on an Olivetti that his mother has just given him. Beside him hangs a butchered rabbit. In this morbid setting, he writes Life and Death of Miguela short story where one is born old and rejuvenated until death. The main character, Miguel, “gets used to not always understanding what is happening in his life and learns to accept it that way.”

This phrase could be the motto of the Spanish filmmaker, the leitmotif of Last Dreama collection of short stories and “initiatory” tales written between 1967 and 2023 by the director, which is now being published in French in a translation by Anne Plantagenet. “I have always refused to write my autobiography,” Pedro Almodovar declares at the beginning of his preface, before going on to explain why this book is “the closest thing to a fragmented, incomplete and somewhat cryptic autobiography,” and his most personal work.

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