Is the second number more important than the first?

Is the second number more important than the first?

Blood pressure is the measurement of the pressure of the blood in the arteries. Every time the heart beats, it pumps blood rich in oxygen and essential nutrients into the arteries, to supply the entire body. This process occurs between 60 and 100 times per minute, depending on activity, 24 hours a day. High blood pressure can cause serious health problems: this is why it is important to monitor it and know what the measured numbers mean.

The French Society of Hypertension, in its document Blood pressure figures explained, details the meaning of the two figures recorded during a blood pressure measurement:

It should also not be overlooked that blood pressure is constantly changing. It fluctuates depending on activity, emotion or stress. During physical exercise or under strong emotion, blood pressure increases. At rest, blood pressure is lower. In addition, other factors influence blood pressure figures, including the patient’s age, current drug treatments, or the position at the time of taking the blood pressure.

Both numbers measuring blood pressure are important in diagnosing and assessing the effectiveness of treatment for high blood pressure. As shown in an article from the American Heart Association (Which blood pressure number matters most? The answer might depend (…)

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