Exposure to this type of diet from childhood would accelerate the development of atherosclerosis

Exposure to this type of diet from childhood would accelerate the development of atherosclerosis

In France, cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death in women and the leading cause in men, according to the Nantes University Hospital. While the risks of these diseases are notably associated with age, among other causes such as malnutrition, stress, lack of sleep and sports activity, a new study from an international collaboration demonstrates that exposure from childhood to a high-fat diet plays a crucial role in cardiovascular health.

Cardiovascular diseases are the result of cholesterol deposits on the walls of the arteries, forming atheromatous plaques that cause the arteries to narrow and harden, as indicated by Health Insurance. This consequence, called atherosclerosis, leads to a reduction in blood flow and a loss of oxygenation of the organs. This process, long asymptomatic, causes irreversible effects on our body, since it can lead to the creation of blood clots, and be the cause of a stroke or a myocardial infarction.

A new study published in the journal Nature looked at the impact of a high-fat diet on atherosclerosis. It found that early exposure to a diet rich in strawberries could accelerate the development of this process.

This work on the effects of a high-fat diet on our cardiovascular health was conducted by a consortium of international scientists, (…)

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