There is a shortage of at least one teacher in more than half of high schools and middle schools

There is a shortage of at least one teacher in more than half of high schools and middle schools

SCHOOL – A teacher in front of each class at the start of the 2024 school year? Still not. If the resigning Minister of Education Nicole Belloubet had not renewed her predecessor’s promise, she assured during her back-to-school press conference that we were “very close to our objective of covering 100% of teacher needs”. This is not the case, according to the Snes-FSU.

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According to a study published this Friday, September 6 by the first union of middle and high schools, there is a shortage of at least one teacher in 56% of middle and high schools. The survey was conducted by telephone and email with the heads of Snes-FSU sections of establishments between August 30 at 8 a.m. and September 5 at 10:30 a.m. This survey is therefore a snapshot at a given moment, in 893 establishments, ” taking into account the weight of each academy as well as the distribution of colleges/high schools “, according to the union.

In 2023, a similar observation was made: as of September 8, there was a lack of “ at least one teacher in 48% of general and technological middle and high schools “, according to the survey carried out at the time in 500 establishments by the Snes-FSU.

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Although the shortage appears to affect the entire territory in 2024, there are some specific features. Among the most affected academies, we can find those of Versailles and Lyon, with respectively 72% and 68% of establishments in which at least one teacher is missing, but also Créteil with 63%. “, notes the Snes-FSU in its study, consulted by Le HuffPostIn 2023, the Créteil academy was the most affected, with a teacher missing in 60% of establishments.

As for disciplines, some are also more depopulated than others. There are a large number of unfilled French teaching positions, but also in maths and to a lesser extent in modern languages, technology, eco-management”says the union, which denounces ” the tinkering that continues to recruit contract workers in a hurry ».

« The day before the return to school, on Sunday, September 1st in the morning, there were 1,301 announcements for the 2nd level. On the morning of September 6th, there were…1,646, more than the day before the return to school!” protests the Snes-FSU in a press release. Other categories of staff are also concerned: for the companions of students with disabilities (AESH), the survey identifies 17% of middle and high schools where there is a lack of at least one AESH. For educational assistants (AED), this is nearly 15% of establishments concerned.

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