still no government five days after Michel Barnier’s arrival at Matignon


On Wednesday, Michel Barnier will continue his tour of the parliamentary groups of the former presidential majority. He will go to Reims where Horizons, the party of Édouard Philippe, is making its political and parliamentary comeback. From the outset, the latter promised Michel Barnier that his supporters would be “many to help him”.

Logical, since “we have an analysis that is close”, acknowledged Laurent Marcangeli after an interview at Matignon on Sunday. The leader of the 33 Philippeist deputies even admitted that participation in the government “cannot be excluded”.

Michel Barnier’s visit is also planned to the 36 MoDem deputies, who are also meeting on Wednesday and Thursday in Cély-en-Bière (Seine-et-Marne), where the welcome should be friendly. Didn’t François Bayrou praise Michel Barnier’s “assets” on Sunday, “a good choice” for Matignon because he “will allow the majority to be broadened”?

Obviously, this praise is not without ulterior motives from the mayor of Pau regarding a centrist presence in a “balanced government”, which “seems obvious” to him.


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