What are these corn snakes that are “invading” Alsace?

What are these corn snakes that are “invading” Alsace?

Exoticism – Originating from North America, these snakes with their pleasant coats seem to like Alsace where their capture has increased in recent years.

They are fond of fields where they can find small mammals to stuff into their throats. Corn snakes, Pantherophis guttatus from its scientific name, are increasingly being discovered in the wild in Alsace. The latest example was on September 8. That day, hikers spotted the reptile napping on a tree, reported “France 3”.

Who are they? Are there many of them? Are they dangerous? 20 Minutes gives you an update on this snake native to North America.

What is a corn snake?

Pantherophis guttatus is of the subspecies of colubridsa large family of snakes characterized by a withdrawn position or complete absence of venomous fangs. Commonly called the corn snake, it measures between 1.4 and 1.8 meters as an adult, with a waist circumference of 4 to 7 centimeters. It thrives in temperate zones.

Its background color is generally orange and its back is dotted with red spots bordered with black. A rather aesthetic composition, let us note, but also (and above all) quite frightening. It is a species endemic to the western United States but which has been introduced to many other regions of the world. The Americans call it “corn snake”, or “red rat snake” (…) - 20minutes

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