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“It was incredibly violent”: Thomas Sotto reacts to testimonies of former collaborators against him

“It was incredibly violent”: Thomas Sotto reacts to testimonies of former collaborators against him

Last July, a Télérama investigation shared testimonies from former collaborators of Thomas Sotto who spoke of the presenter’s difficult behavior.

The magazine Telerama revealed in an investigation last July with several testimonies from collaborators and former colleagues of Thomas Sotto who point the finger at his behavior and his working methods.

According to witnesses, the organization of the Télématin program broadcast on France 2 was ” chaotic “A former employee recalled: ” There is disrespect on his part, cold anger, he denigrates the work. “One of the show’s former programmers reported: ” I came with a knot in my stomach. I thought about changing jobs. » Another explained: « I spent Sundays of horror where he canceled the guest by saying ‘I want something else’, without specifying what. I cried very little in my jobs but at theirs yes, several times. »

Thomas Sotto had briefly reacted by saying he was surprised by these remarks and this biased investigation. I want us to play the ball. And if we lose, it doesn’t matter. What I don’t like is when we haven’t tried. Do I put pressure on my teams? Yes, probably, because that’s part of my job. ” he had declared to Telerama.

« From a personal, intimate point of view, it was incredibly violent. “, he confided during a week of radio relocated to Le Mans. ” I am not perfect. Have I hurt people once or twice? Maybe. But this is not a generality at all, it does not reflect reality. I found it extremely hurtful and very unfair. My door is always open. I am surprised by the method of going to tell things under the cover of anonymity “, he assures.

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