“I’m overcome with emotion”: Stomy Bugsy (“The Traitors”) bursts into tears after the elimination of a new “loyal” candidate

“I’m overcome with emotion”: Stomy Bugsy (“The Traitors”) bursts into tears after the elimination of a new “loyal” candidate

The tears were contagious this Friday evening in the 4th evening of “Traitors”, the M6 ​​game show whose broadcast has now switched from Thursday to Friday. While the number of candidates is reduced from episode to episode, there were still 3 “traitors” for 10 participants in total (therefore 7 “loyal”). During the round table organized at the beginning of episode 8 (the second of the evening), it was Laly who was eliminated.

“I’m the one who sent her to the fire”

When revealing her identity, the actress from “Les Mystères de l’amour” surprised the audience by declaring: “I am loyal“. “I knew!” Danielle exclaimed. The other candidates appeared stunned.We suck, I suck“, Gwendal Marimoutou despaired in the confessional.”I beg you, think about it“, said Laly before leaving the game for good, applauded by her teammates.

ALSO READ: “Something happened that the viewers didn’t see”: Frédérique Bel delivers “her truth” about her exit in “Les traitres” on M6

Emotion then took hold of the table, leading to tears from Hugo Manos, who was nevertheless a “traitor” and from… Stomy Bugsy. The candidate, who marked the beginning of the program with his very confident character, could not hold back his tears.Nooo“, exclaimed Carla Lazzari before coming to give him a hug.”This is a Stomy game“, Laurent Ruquier tried to put things into perspective.”I was the one who sent her to the fire“, regretted the rapper speaking of Laly. “I was the first person to put his name (to vote against her, editor’s note)”, he continued, eaten up by guilt. In the confessional, Stomy Bugsy commented on the scene: “At that moment, I am overcome with emotion. I am sad, really sad.“.

“Stomy doesn’t cry for nothing”

And he wasn’t the only one to crack that night. A few moments later, when Eric Antoine explained that the “traitors” were going to have to choose between Laurent Ruquier (“traitor”) and Carla Lazzari (“loyal”) as their next victim, the latter also burst into tears, convinced that she was next on the list.In any case, know that I loved sharing this moment with you.” she said, before breaking down in tears.‘Traitors’, eliminate me, I don’t care“, Laurent Ruquier then said, coming to comfort her.

Content creator Crazy Sally (the game’s third “traitor”) also let out a few tears.It hurts me so much to see Carla cry, and especially Stomy, who I know and who doesn’t cry for nothing.“, she confided. The 19-year-old singer was finally eliminated by the “traitors”, who were not going to take one of their own out of the game.


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