Who is the American Steven Koonin, the source claimed by the famous YouTuber?

Who is the American Steven Koonin, the source claimed by the famous YouTuber?

fake off – This American scientist, who is not a climate specialist, wants to be reassuring about the impact of global warming. But several of his arguments have been criticized by specialists for their inaccuracies

He describes himself as a “turquoise”, meaning a “pragmatic green”. He is especially known for his climate-sceptic statements. A former adviser in the Obama administration and formerly of the oil giant BP, Steven Koonin published three years ago Climate, the share of uncertaintya book warmly welcomed by American climate skeptics but coolly received by scientists specializing in the issue.

It is notably on the work of this author that Ismaïl Ouslimani, also known under the pseudonym Le Raptor, relied to publish a video on YouTube on Sunday entitled “Global warming: decoding a global scam”. In a document in which he describes those who ask him for his sources as “pathetic”, the YouTuber advises to go and look for “article titles on Google” and then recommends the purchase of Steve Koonin’s book.

Problem: When it came out in 2021, the book was criticized by scientists for its inaccuracies. Our colleagues at Science Feedback reviewed an article from the Wall Street Journal – a newspaper for which Steve Koonin wrote several columns – which took up arguments from (…) - 20minutes

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