Is it so good for your health to give up sugar for a month?

Is it so good for your health to give up sugar for a month?
Is it so good for your health to give up sugar for a month?

good or bad idea? – Is going without added sugar for the entire month of January really a good idea for our physical and mental health?

If since January 1, some French people have said goodbye (or rather goodbye) to beer, wine and champagne by participating in Dry January, others have decided to take on another challenge: “No sugar January” or “January without sugar”. They will have to do without, among other things, pastries, chocolate and sodas for 31 days.

As with Dry January, the point is to assess your consumption and your risk of dependence, but also to see the impact of this cessation on your physical and psychological health. But if we know that alcohol, even in low doses, is bad for your health, is sugar too? Is there really any point in participating in No sugar Janauary?

Differentiate added sugar and carbohydrates

First of all, let’s be clear: “No sugar January” consists of doing without simple sugar, added sugar. The latter is present in cakes, pastries, sodas and of course table sugar (which you put in your yogurt or your coffee). It’s not just white, but also cane, coconut, and even honey or agave syrup. Basically what tastes sweet.


The idea is therefore not to stop slow sugars, called “carbohydrates”, provided in particular by pasta, rice, bread or even legumes. “There is a big misunderstanding on this subject, because if products with added sugar should be avoided, carbohydrates are very important,” recalls Laurent Chevallier, nutritionist at University Hospital and author of Fa(.. .)

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Also read:
Being obsessed with your sugar level even though you’re in good health? “It risks creating hypochondriacs”
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