“Important information: Wearing a mask becomes compulsory again at Robert-Boulin hospital”. The habit is not returning as quickly as hoped but the masks have multiplied, since Wednesday, within the confines of the Libourne hospital center. The measure was decided in view of the resurgence of winter viruses (flu, Covid-19, etc.) with the aim of “protecting the most vulnerable, limiting the spread of viruses, preserving a safe environment for all”.
Hydroalcoholic gel is always available “to reinforce hand hygiene. » The hospital center has, moreover, triggered its “white plan” on Saturday January 4 for an initial duration of ten days.
The winter flu epidemic, which usually lasts ten to twelve weeks, intensified at the beginning of January and is causing hospitalizations at an “exceptionally high” level compared to previous seasons, Public Health France (SpF) observed on Wednesday. “We received a large flow of patients in the emergency department, for flu or respiratory problems, causing strong tensions,” comments within the establishment. The implementation of the white plan allowed us to mobilize the necessary means to deal with it. “The situation remains complicated “but is being regulated,” we believe.
-Call 15
The operation of emergencies remains in any case a fundamental problem. “For four years, Libourne has been the leading emergency service in Gironde in terms of number of visits. Nearly 47,000 this year, a figure still increasing”, and this “in premises that are too cramped”, recalled Dr Anaïs Girard, head of the emergency department at the Libourne Hospital Center, a few days ago.
The service is open to everyone. But more than ever, medical teams need to see the flow of patients regulated, in order to provide better care for everyone. It is therefore strongly recommended to “call center 15 before going to the Libourne Hospital Center”.