TRUE OR FALSE. Effectiveness, side effects, target audience… We verified seven preconceived ideas about the flu vaccine

TRUE OR FALSE. Effectiveness, side effects, target audience… We verified seven preconceived ideas about the flu vaccine
TRUE OR FALSE. Effectiveness, side effects, target audience… We verified seven preconceived ideas about the flu vaccine

In , vaccination coverage for seasonal flu is insufficient. The result of a lack of knowledge on the subject? Franceinfo interviewed two virologists to see more clearly.

It returns every year, at the end of autumn and the beginning of winter. The flu epidemic continues to increase in intensity in France at the beginning of January. Around twenty hospitals triggered the “white plan” on Tuesday, January 7, in order to take exceptional measures such as the deprogramming of certain operations, the reassignment or recall of staff members on leave. Or fFaced with this recurring epidemic, France has so far been a poor performer when we look at the vaccination coverage of its population.

France was ranked 25th out of 41 in 2022 among OECD countries for flu vaccination of people aged 65 and over. According to the Ministry of Health, for the 2023-2024 season, only 47.1% of people at risk of severe flu have been vaccinated, while the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends a coverage rate vaccination rate of 75% among target populations. The French indeed seem reluctant about this vaccination which is not obligatory. A reluctance reinforced by prejudices and false information circulating. Helped by two virologists, franceinfo verified seven preconceived ideas about the flu vaccine.

1 The flu is not a serious illness: false

Influenza is a contagious respiratory infection caused by influenza viruses. It generally lasts a week and is characterized by the sudden onset of fever, muscle and joint pain, headaches, a feeling of deep malaise and respiratory signs (dry cough, sore throat, rhinitis, etc.). .). Some also develop longer-term complications such as sinus and ear infections, pneumonia, and inflammation of the heart or brain.

Seasonal flu affects 2 to 6 million people in France per year, according to the Pasteur Institute. While most affected people recover within a week, others develop much more serious forms. On average, Public Health France estimates that around 9,000 deaths per year in France are directly or indirectly linked to influenza (superinfections, decompensation of chronic diseases). According to the WHO, worldwide, up to 650,000 people per year can die from the flu.

2 The vaccine does not prevent you from getting the flu: to qualify

Even if you are vaccinated, it is possible to contract the flu virus. To understand why, we must recall the method of manufacturing the vaccine. “Each year, the vaccine is produced during spring-summer, from the flu strains that circulated the previous winter”explains Anne Goffard, virologist at University Hospital. “But every year, new strains appear”she adds. The vaccine therefore does not protect against these new forms of the virus.

“It is estimated that the effectiveness of the flu vaccine is 40 to 60%.”

Anne Goffard, virologist at Lille University Hospital

at franceinfo

If it is therefore possible to catch the flu even if vaccinated, the symptoms will however be less serious. And this, even if patients contract “a mutation of the virus”guarantees the researcher. The main advantage of the vaccine is therefore to prevent serious forms of the virus. “Approximately 2,000 deaths would thus be avoided among the elderly each year thanks to vaccination during flu epidemics”specifies the site Furthermore, since new strains of influenza appear every year, it is necessary to be vaccinated every year to be better protected.

3The vaccine makes you sick: false

“The vaccine does not give you the flu”immediately decides Yannick Simonin, virologist at the University of . “We do not inject the virus itself, but only fractions of inactivated virus.” However, before obtaining the immunity promised by the vaccine after two weeks, it is possible to become ill.

For two days after the injection, some patients may feel “feverish” et “body aches”but these symptoms disappear “quickly” and are the sign “a reaction of the body to the vaccine and the creation of antibodies”explains the virologist. The list of side effects is provided on the website.

Furthermore, during winter, other infectious viruses similar to influenza circulate. “Some people also think they have caught the flu when it is other winter viruses”notes Yannick Simonin.

4 The vaccine is reserved for the elderly: false

If those over 65 are indeed a population at risk from the flu virus, it is far from being the only one. The Ministry of Health advises vaccination for patients suffering from chronic illnesses, immunocompromised people and their entourage, pregnant women, obese people and healthcare workers.

Since 2023, the High Authority for Health (HAS) has also recommended the seasonal flu vaccine for children aged 2 to 17 without comorbidity. “This vaccination in children aged 2 to 17 – who constitute the reservoir of influenza – would limit the spread of the disease among the population and the elderlyshe believes.

For children without comorbidity, the vaccine is covered at 65%. People considered at risk receive a voucher from Social Security to obtain the vaccine free of charge at a pharmacy. For the rest of the population, it is possible to obtain a vaccination voucher with the agreement of your attending physician or to be vaccinated in a pharmacy at your own expense. In total, each year, Health Insurance invites more than 10 million people to be vaccinated.

5 Pregnant women should not be vaccinated: false

“On the contrary”assure the two specialists interviewed by franceinfo. Although pregnant women are sometimes reluctant to be vaccinated, it is nevertheless strongly recommended.

“They are more at risk of developing serious forms of the disease, in particular respiratory failure.”

Yannick Simonin, virologist at the University of Montpellier

at franceinfo

And the risks are multiplied if they suffer from chronic illnesses. The flu virus can also be dangerous for the fetus. “A high fever for several days induces contractions and can cause early labor”argues Anne Goffard. Cases of intrauterine growth retardation have also been observed, and more rarely miscarriages.

Vaccination of a pregnant woman is therefore strongly recommended. “regardless of the trimester of pregnancy”insists the Ministry of Health. Furthermore, the vaccinated mother will transmit influenza antibodies to her child via the placenta and breast milk, which provides protection for the child. “during the first three months of his life”according to Anne Goffard. Alas, vaccination coverage against influenza was 30.4% among pregnant women, according to declarative data from the National Perinatal Survey carried out in 2021 and cited by the Ministry of Health.

6 Healthy people do not need to be vaccinated: false

Since vaccination is mainly recommended for people at risk, some in good health do not feel concerned. However, according to Anne Goffard, no one is safe from developing a serious form of the disease.

“Each year, 10 to 20% of healthy patients who are a priori without risk end up in intensive care. We cannot predict or predict it and we cannot explain it.”

Anne Goffard, virologist at Lille University Hospital

at franceinfo

Some strains of the flu are more virulent than others. “This year, the H1N1 strain is circulating again, it affects both the elderly and young people, which makes it very dangerous”notes Yannick Simonin. The two virologists also argue that getting vaccinated, even if you are in good health, also helps protect others. “The more people are vaccinated, the less the virus circulates, which makes it possible to stem the epidemic more quickly”concludes Yannick Simonin.

7 You must be vaccinated before the start of the epidemic: to qualify

The vaccination campaign began on October 15, 2024 and will end on January 31, 2025. Every year, Anne Goffard recommends to patients at risk not to wait for the start of the epidemic or to receive the Social Security voucher to be vaccinated. “Doing this before the start of the epidemic helps minimize the risk of contracting the virus”she judges.

However, it is necessary to find a “golden mean” and don’t start too early. “The vaccine provides immunity against the flu for 9 to 12 months depending on the person. By doing it too early, the patient risks not being protected throughout the epidemic”warns the researcher. However, it is still useful to get vaccinated, even if the epidemic has already started.

“The epidemic will continue so it is still useful to get vaccinated, even in January.”

Yannick Simonin, virologist at the University of Montpellier

at franceinfo

But according to him, interest in vaccination diminishes at the end of January. In addition to vaccination, barrier gestures make it possible to limit the risk of being infected by respiratory viruses such as influenza and to limit transmission to those around you.



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