the bronchiolitis epidemic fades to give way to that of the flu

the bronchiolitis epidemic fades to give way to that of the flu
the bronchiolitis epidemic fades to give way to that of the flu

The bronchiolitis epidemic has declined on French soil in recent days after a surge in cases in previous months. Conversely, that of influenza experienced a sharp increase at the end of 2024 in mainland and in the overseas departments, according to the latest figures relayed by Santé Publique France this Thursday, January 2.

The return of negative temperatures in France is accompanied by a return to the forefront of the flu.

According to the latest health bulletin published Thursday by Santé Publique France, the number of flu cases has increased sharply in recent days in mainland France and in the overseas departments, while that linked to bronchiolitis contamination has fallen on French soil over the same period.

Minors and the elderly more affected by the flu

The latest data revealed by Santé Publique France demonstrated a “clear increase” in cases of acute respiratory infections in France and the overseas departments during the last week of 2024.

Hospitalizations “after visits to the emergency room” mainly concerned retirees, namely people aged 65 and over. The latter represented almost two thirds of hospitalizations for an acute respiratory infection in the last week of 2024.

The increase in contamination affected all age groups, both in hospitals and in community medicine, particularly for the flu.

The epidemic linked to this disease has affected all regions of France and has intensified “in all age groups”, even reaching a “very high level among those under 15”, according to Santé Public France.


Overseas, the flu epidemic has hit , while Guadeloupe and Guyana are currently in the “pre-epidemic” phase.

A decreasing bronchiolitis epidemic

For the second consecutive week, the bronchiolitis epidemic has weakened in mainland France and in the overseas departments. The latter notably left Ile-de-France, while it appeared in Corsica and with a “pre-epidemic” level announced for these two islands.

Note that 11 departments in France are currently still in an “epidemic phase” linked to bronchiolitis, as are the Antilles, Mayotte and Guyana.

Finally, indicators linked to Covid-19 were “generally stable at low levels” compared to the previous week, according to Santé Publique France.

“Vaccination remains the best way to protect yourself”

The organization wanted to point out that “vaccination remains the best way to protect yourself against influenza and Covid-19, in particular serious forms of these diseases”. It is recommended “to all eligible people, in order to protect them and those around them”.

In addition, a reminder of barrier gestures is essential in order to protect against all winter illnesses: washing hands, ventilating rooms and wearing a mask in the event of symptoms (fever, sore throat or cough ), in busy places and in the presence of vulnerable people.



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