The flu epidemic intensified in at the end of the year

The flu epidemic intensified in at the end of the year
The flu epidemic intensified in France at the end of the year

During the week ending December 29, acute respiratory infections were “clearly increasing”, both in hospitals and in community medicine, affecting people of all ages.

The seasonal flu epidemic strengthened throughout last week, while that of bronchiolitis, ongoing in eleven regions, was decreasing in intensity, Public Health France (SpF) said on Thursday.

During the week ending December 29, acute respiratory infections were on the rise. “clear increase”both in hospitals and in community medicine, affecting people of all ages, according to the weekly bulletin published by the health agency.

Hospitalizations “after visits to the emergency room”they particularly concerned people aged 65 and over: they represented almost two thirds of hospitalizations for an acute respiratory infection, over the last week of 2024. The flu affects all regions of France and is intensifying “in all age groups” and reached a “very high level among those under 15”reports SpF.

Overseas, the flu epidemic is raging in , while Guadeloupe and Guyana are in the phase of “pre-epidemic”.

As for the bronchiolitis epidemic, it continues in eleven regions of France but its intensity is decreasing for the second consecutive week, both in cities and in hospitals. The Antilles, Mayotte and Guyana are also in the epidemic phase. The bronchiolitis epidemic, however, arrives in Corsica and , which are both in the phase of “pre-epidemic”while Île-de-France is emerging from the epidemic.

Concerning Covid-19, the indicators remain “generally stable at low levels” compared to the previous week. “Vaccination remains the best way to protect yourself against influenza and Covid-19, particularly serious forms of these diseases”recalls Public Health France.

It is recommended “to all eligible persons, in order to protect them and those around them”in particular people aged 65 and over or those who are immunocompromised, infants over 6 months old with comorbidities, pregnant women, residents of medico-social establishments of all ages.

It is also for people in regular contact with people who are immunocompromised or vulnerable to severe forms of infection, including health professionals.

In addition, reminds the health agency, the adoption of barrier gestures remains essential to protect oneself from all winter diseases: washing hands, ventilating rooms and wearing a mask in the event of symptoms (fever, illness throat or cough), in busy places and in the presence of vulnerable people.



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