Covid vaccination in : low coverage among children –

Covid vaccination in : low coverage among children –
Covid vaccination in France: low coverage among children –

In , only 5% of children aged 5 to 11 have been vaccinated against Covid-19. This percentage remains significantly lower than that observed in Italy or the United States. The vaccination rate is even lower among children from low-income households or residing in the South-East of the country, according to a study published on December 10.

“A failure”

The vaccination remains insufficient in children at risk of severe forms of Covid-19with less than 8% having received a dose. For these children, the vaccine is of particular importance, underlines a study by Public Health France. This first national analysis on the vaccination Pediatric examined data from 320,737 children aged 5 to 11 vaccinated between January 2021 and November 2023, representing only 5.3% of this age group. The study highlights: “a failure of the vaccination strategy in children with comorbidity”with a rate of vaccination one in 13. The study also highlights “regional and social disparities” as for social coverage, national media report as Le Figaro.

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Children living in economically disadvantaged areas have higher rates of vaccination weaker, revealing social disparities already observed during the pandemic. These inequalities also concern access to tests and the risk of infection, according to a study carried out by researchers from several French institutions. The rates of vaccination vary geographically, reaching 7.8% in and , but only 2.7% in PACA and 3.7% in . This disparity likely reflects the vaccination status of the parents. In children without comorbidities, parental hesitation can be explained by the rarity of serious forms in this age group. Compared to Italy (38%) and the United States (24%), French rates remain very low.

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