For the end-of-year holidays, think about vaccination

For the end-of-year holidays, think about vaccination
For the end-of-year holidays, think about vaccination

What if you offered health to your loved ones? The start of winter, while marked by the arrival of holidays and family gatherings, is also conducive to the circulation of viruses. To protect the most vulnerable, vaccination against influenza and Covid-19 is essential.

There is still time to get vaccinated! Fever, cough, body aches…don’t let _Pour_les_fetes_de_end_d_annee_think_a_vaccination>_flu’])” class=”spip_in”>flu or _Pour_les_fetes_de_end_d_annee_think_a_vaccination>_Covid-19′])” class=”spip_in”>Covid-19 spoil the end of year celebrations, especially if you spend them with fragile and/or elderly people around you.

These acute respiratory infections of viral origin are particularly contagious, they are easily transmitted by sneezing, coughing and in confined and poorly ventilated places.

To avoid them, _Pour_les_fetes_de_fin_d_annee_pensez_a_vaccination>_les_gestes_barrieres’])” class=”spip_in”>barrier gestures: wearing a mask in the event of symptoms, washing hands, ventilating premises, etc. are essential to reduce the number of these viral infections.

Vaccination against flu and Covid: a doubly effective weapon

_Pour_les_fetes_de_end_d_annee_pensez_a_la_vaccination>_Launched_since_the_October_15′])” class=”spip_in”>Launched since October 15, vaccination against influenza and Covid-19 is recommended and 100% covered by Health Insurance for the people most at risk , healthcare professionals and other populations in contact with vulnerable people:

Against the flu

  • All people aged 65 and over ;
  • people, aged 6 months or older, with comorbidities having a higher risk of severe form of the disease (chronic heart, liver, kidney, lung diseases, diabetes, obesity, cancers, people who have undergone a solid organ or hematopoietic stem cell transplant);
  • Immunocompromised people ;
  • Pregnant women ;
  • Residents in accommodation establishments for dependent elderly people (EHPAD) and long-term care units (USLD) and residents in establishments for people with disabilities ;
  • People at very high risk of severe disease according to each individual medical situation and as part of a decision shared with the healthcare teams;
  • People living in close proximity to or in regular contact with immunocompromised or vulnerable peopleincluding professionals in the health and medico-social sectors;
  • Professionals exposed to swine and avian influenza viruses.

Against Covid-19

  • All people eligible for flu vaccination, to which are added people suffering from Down syndrome, psychiatric disorders or dementia.
  • These populations are eligible from 6 months after their last Covid-19 infection or vaccination. This period is reduced to 3 months for immunocompromised people and people aged 80 or over, due to their immune deficiency, responsible for a lower rate and a more rapid decline of neutralizing antibodies.
  • Anyone wishing to be vaccinated, even if they are not part of the target, can receive an injection against Covid-19.
Did you know?

Each year, on average, 2000 vies are saved by influenza vaccination among seniors. (Source: Health insurance)

Getting vaccinated means protecting yourself and thus avoiding serious forms of the disease, the risk of complications, as well as a trip to the emergency room, or even hospitalization in an intensive care unit.

Flu/Covid vaccination in practice

It is possible to receive the two injections against the flu and Covid-19 on the same day or later, without needing to wait for a specific deadline.

Doctors, pharmacists, nurses and midwives are all professionals authorized to prescribe and administer vaccinations against influenza and Covid-19.

Consult the Santé.fr site map to find a professional practicing double flu / Covid-19 vaccination near you.

Did you know?

Influenza vaccination has been open since 2023 to children aged 2 to 17 without risk factors. The vaccine is covered at 65% for these children.

It takes around fifteen days after administration of the vaccine to be protected.

Vaccination of pregnant women

Vaccination against influenza and Covid-19 is recommended for pregnant women, regardless of the trimester of pregnancy, to protect the mother and the unborn child during its first months from all serious forms and complications of the disease. Vaccinations can be carried out during the same consultation.

To find out more




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