How can your gut microbiota influence your health?

How can your gut microbiota influence your health?
How can your gut microbiota influence your health?

Microbiotas play an important role in intestinal health and our overall health.

These bacteria, fungi and viruses located in the colon are essential for our body, because they strengthen our immunity.

In Bonjour! La Matinale TF1, Doctor Vincent Valinducq explains how to take care of our intestinal flora.

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The microbiota is the set of microorganisms that live in specific areas of our body. We have several, particularly in the skin or lungs, but the most important is in our stomach. The intestinal microbiota is located in the small intestine and the colon.

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What is the intestinal microbiota?

The intestinal microbiota is populated with non-pathogenic bacteria, parasites, viruses and fungi that are essential to the good health of our body. It is a real little world specific to each individual, like our fingerprint. From one person to another, it differs in quantity and quality. On the other hand, it always fulfills the same roles. First of all, the intestinal microbiota is a protector, especially when the body is in contact with a potentially pathogenic bacteria. It stimulates the immune defenses and helps with digestion. The intestinal microbiota is also in communication with our brain, our liver and our lungs. And when communication is fluid, when everything works, we then speak of symbiosis.

Taking care of your intestinal microbiota

Scientific studies indicate that our intestinal flora is becoming less and less populated. The cause? Diet. To take care of our microbiota, it is essential to have a healthy and varied diet that is as unprocessed as possible. The bacteria in our microbiota need to be fed with good foods, particularly products rich in fiber, such as apples, pears, and carrots. To repopulate the intestinal flora, it is possible to turn to fermented products, such as yogurts, sauerkraut, or kefir and kombucha, which are rich in probiotics. Foods that are too sweet and alcohol should be avoided because they destroy the microbiota. In addition, sports activity is essential, as is meditation or relaxation, because stress is the enemy of our entire digestive system.

A healthy microbiota for a healthy body

It is only very recently that science has begun to take an interest in our intestinal flora and our intestinal microbiota. Recent studies have shown that an unbalanced microbiota has negative repercussions on health. It is notably linked to diabetes, obesity, inflammatory bowel diseases, but also to neurological diseases. Indeed, researchers have traced a link between a poor microbiota and Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s diseases. Finally, some studies have also proven that an unbalanced intestinal microbiota plays a role in the appearance of depressive symptoms. Taking care of your colon is therefore essential, moreover, it is not for nothing that it is nicknamed the second brain.

Sabine BOUCHOUL | Column: Vincent Valinducq



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