This winter vegetable contains higher than normal pesticide residues. If you want to eat healthy vegetables, it's best to grow them yourself.
In recent months, many fruits and vegetables have been singled out because of the excessively high level of pesticides they contain. To this end, a winter vegetable very popular with the French is among the products most affected by pesticides. This is also the reason why we recommend no longer buying it in supermarkets. If you want to continue consuming this famous vegetable green, it is best to grow it yourself.
Pesticides: this vegetable is full of them but is easy to grow
What vegetable is this?
This year, the Environmental Working Group conducted a study on the fruits and vegetables found in our supermarkets. This study shows that many fruits and vegetables sold in our markets contain pesticide residue higher than the permitted standard. At the head of the uncomplimentary ranking of the American NGO, we find thespinach. This product, very popular with the French, is in fact the green vegetable most contaminated by pesticides. Therefore, buying it in a supermarket presents a big health riskunless you turn to the organic version. The other solution would be to grow spinach in your garden and that's good because this vegetable is easy to produce.
An easy to grow vegetable
You don’t know anything about agriculture? It doesn't matter, because you don't have to be an expert on the subject to grow spinach. Indeed, growing spinach is quite simple. The other positive point is that we can harvest them quite quickly. If you don't have a garden or you live in an apartment, know that it is possible to grow spinach in a pot. My Garden & My House gives the method to follow for growing this vegetable.
How to proceed?
As a reminder, spinach likes soils rich in organic matter. If you have a garden, you should work the soil to a depth of 30 cm and add compost afterwards to enrich it. Know that it is best to plant spinach in spring if you want to have a nice harvest in winter. To this end, he reminds us that seedlings must be planted 1 or 2 cm deep and be sure to space them well. Furthermore, do not forget to water the soil well so that it retains its humidity. After planting your semisyou have to wait around 6 to 8 months to harvest your spinach.
Pesticides: grow this vegetable very popular with the French
A food product with great virtues
The French love spinach, particularly because of the many virtues of this vegetable. As a reminder, spinach promotes transit intestinal and detoxification of this organ. It is for this reason that this vegetable is called ‟bowel broom”. Furthermore, thanks to its properties, spinach helps prevent high blood pressure and is of great help to the growth of children. Many comforting spinach-based recipes can enhance this product. Unfortunately, this food is contaminated with pesticides and as a result, it is no longer healthy and presents risks for consumption.
A vegetable over which suspicion hangs
Today, it is difficult not to look suspiciously at the spinach sold in supermarkets. supermarkets. The study carried out by Environmental Working Group is far from having created psychosis in the minds of consumers, but it has led them to be more careful. Of course, this product is full of pesticides, but the certified organic version remains healthy for consumption as do the samples from your vegetable gardens personal, provided you do not use toxic products.
What future for spinach?
Despite everything, spinach remains a very popular vegetable among the French. Recent revelations from the NGO Environmental Working Group raise the problem of production methods of our agriculture. As a reminder, the use of pesticides is still authorized in our country. Does this mean we are doomed to eat fruits and vegetables? contaminated ?