Strengthening HIV testing in Lomé

The workshop aimed to identify barriers to HIV testing and develop solutions to increase testing coverage, particularly among key populations.

Emphasis was also placed on strengthening linkage to care mechanisms for people who test HIV positive, so that they can quickly access treatment and support services.

Participants discussed the adoption and implementation of the new WHO global guidelines on HIV testing and linkage to care, released in 2024.

Discussions took place on identifying innovative approaches and concrete solutions to improve the delivery and coverage of HIV testing services, including in the context of integrating testing with other health services.

Finally, the workshop enabled participating countries to develop national strategies to effectively adapt their testing and linkage to care services to contribute to achieving the goals of the Triple Elimination initiative (zero new HIV infections). , zero AIDS-related deaths and zero discrimination) and the provision of integrated services for a positive impact on the health of populations.
Participation of Chad:

Chad played an active role in this workshop, including participating in a panel discussion on the transition to the three-test algorithm and the post-validation study phase in Chad. This participation demonstrates the country’s commitment to strengthening the fight against HIV and ensuring universal access to testing and treatment for all people.

The Lomé workshop was a valuable opportunity for countries in West, Central Africa and the Indian Ocean to share experiences, identify good practices and develop concrete strategies to improve HIV testing and access to treatment. By actively participating in this workshop, Chad reaffirmed its commitment to contribute to achieving the goals of the Triple Elimination Initiative and ending the HIV epidemic by 2030.



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