To avoid having eczema, you must stop (too much) consuming this condiment

To avoid having eczema, you must stop (too much) consuming this condiment
To avoid having eczema, you must stop (too much) consuming this condiment

We all know that consuming too much salt leads to water retention and increases the risk of high blood pressure. But by wondering about the possible damage caused in our body by excess sodium, American scientists have discovered that too much salt also increases the risk of suffering from eczema. To find out if we are consuming too much salt, researchers at the University of San Diego, California, analyzed data from urine samples and medical records of more than 215,000 people aged 30 to 70. This allowed them to find a correlation between higher sodium excretion and increased risks of eczema diagnosis and severity.

Risk of eczema increased by 22%

The findings of this study, published in Jama Dermatology, show that daily consumption of just 1 extra gram of sodium (the equivalent of about half a teaspoon of table salt), increases the risk of suffering from eczema by 22%. “These results suggest that reducing dietary sodium intake could be an avenue in the treatment of atopic dermatitis” underlines Dr. Katrina Abuabara, lead author of the study. “Eczema flare-ups can be difficult for patients to manage, especially when they are unable to anticipate them. But learning to reduce salt intake could be a simple way to improve skin health” ( …)

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