Breast cancers, more numerous in France than elsewhere

Breast cancers are increasing in number in France. Our country now has the highest incidence rate in the world: 105.4 cases per 100,000 inhabitants according to a study by the International Center for Research on Cancer (Circ) published in March and identified by The Parisian. For comparison, it is 87 in Italy, 95.9 in the United States and 33 in China.

It is in this context that the deputies adopted at the end of May a communist bill for the full coverage of care linked to breast cancer, with the exception of excess fees. The incidence of these female cancers does not, however, seem to come from overscreening, with fewer than one in two women aged 50 to 74 participating in screening.

Professionals point out the risk factors while many women smoke in France and alcohol consumption, at nearly 12 liters per person per year, remains significant. However, some point to the responsibility of endocrine disruptors. Although it is difficult to know why France holds this sad record, there is nevertheless reason to rejoice: mortality continues to fall. With 12,000 deaths per year, it amounts to 17 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants.



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