List of words doctors should never say to their patients revealed

List of words doctors should never say to their patients revealed
List of words doctors should never say to their patients revealed
— Chinnapong /

Being a doctor is not just about knowledge and skills, it also involves empathy, tact and good communication skills. In a new study, researchers have shed light on how what doctors say can affect their patients.

The importance of communication

In human society, being direct, without delicacy and without diplomacy is a very controversial trait. While some appreciate such a way of communicating – seeing it as a reflection of strong character, honesty and lack of confusion – many others see it as rudeness, a lack of know-how in matters of of communication and even malice. In fact, when it comes to communicating with others, the most important thing is knowing how to adapt correctly to each situation. While it is sometimes necessary to be tactful, being frank and direct can also have its advantages in certain cases.

One of the areas in which it is very important to know how to demonstrate sensitivity and delicacy is that of health. This is particularly true when it comes to medical personnel, especially doctors. In a new study by researchers at Texas A&M University, US, there are certain words that doctors should not use with their patients. According to the results of the study published in the journal Mayo Clinic Proceedingsthe use of these words can be harmful to patients and their loved ones, which goes against the medical vocation.

What words should doctors ban from their vocabulary?

The researchers explained in particular that seriously ill patients and their loved ones already face intense emotional suffering. Thus, they do not need inconsiderate words which will weigh even more on their morale, especially from their doctors. Thus, scientists say that clinicians should engage in compassionate communication as much as possible as part of the treatment process. To do this, they identified the “ words never to be said that should never be spoken, as well as methods for clinicians to identify their own words that should never be said.

Among these phrases to ban from the mouths of doctors are obvious expressions and words like: “ we can’t do anything else », « combat » or « bataille » ; but also certain expressions which are considered encouraging, such as “ everything will be fine “. As for why the use of these words and expressions should be prohibited, it is because people in distress are on edge and can easily have an erroneous interpretation of what is said. For example, researchers have found that when doctors use the word ” combat “, patients tend to understand that this implies that ” simple will can overcome illness ».

So, instead of using the word ” combat “, the researchers instead suggest the following sentence: ” We will face this difficult disease together. » The researchers clarified that the objective is in no way to lie to patients, but to address them more adequately in order to best preserve their emotional balance. They also believe that the training of doctors should not be limited to medicine, but should also include the art of communicating and interacting with others. Furthermore, will you be able to do a perfect job on the specialty of doctors with this quiz?



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