A technological shift reveals the impact of gestational diabetes –

A technological shift reveals the impact of gestational diabetes –
A technological shift reveals the impact of gestational diabetes –

Technological shift reveals impact of gestational diabetes

Using a portable device, a team of researchers identified persistent dysfunctions in glucose regulation in women who had gestational diabetes.

Women who have had gestational diabetes continue to have alterations in their blood sugar regulation after delivery. Image: DR

A complication linked to pregnancy, gestational diabetes (GDM) increases the risk of developing a metabolic disorder, particularly type 2 diabetes. However, its effects after delivery remain poorly understood. To fill this gap, a team from UNIGE, in collaboration with CHUV, HUG, UNIL and EPFL, used wearable devices to monitor glucose dynamics, physical activity, sleep and heart rate of women with or without a diagnosis of GDM. The results reveal that disturbances in blood sugar regulation persist after delivery in women affected by this condition, despite usual clinical data comparable to normal. This work, published on November 12 in the journal Diabetologyplead in favor of appropriate follow-up, even after childbirth.



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