Rare “flesh-eating” bacteria capable of killing in 48 hours spreads in Japan

Rare “flesh-eating” bacteria capable of killing in 48 hours spreads in Japan
Rare “flesh-eating” bacteria capable of killing in 48 hours spreads in Japan

After the Covid-19 epidemic, Japan is facing a new health problem. As Fortune.com reports, a disease caused by a rare “flesh-eating bacteria” can kill people in 48 hours and is spreading in Japan. As of June 2, 2024, the Japanese Ministry of Health had recorded 977 cases of streptococcal toxic shock syndrome with a mortality rate that can reach 30%. Between the months of January and March, 77 people died from this infection.

Even with treatment, streptococcal toxic shock syndrome can be fatal. Out of every 10 people with STSS, up to three people will die from the infection“, reports the US Health Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), cited by CNN.

Group A Streptococcus (GAS) is transmitted exclusively from humans to humans, explains the Pasteur Institute. And to complete: “It is responsible for frequent benign and non-invasive infections, such as angina and impetigo, and also for serious invasive infections: bacteremia, necrotizing skin infections, puerperal infections, pleuropneumopathies, meningitis, which can be associated with a syndrome streptococcal toxic shocke”.

Most deaths occur within 48 hours. Once a patient notices swelling in the foot in the morning, it may extend to the knee by midday and he or she may die within 48 hours.“, warns Ken Kikuchi, professor of infectious diseases at Tokyo Women’s Medical University. CNN recalls that Streptococcus A can cause necrotizing fasciitis.”flesh eater” which can lead to loss of limbs.

To limit the risk as much as possible, Professor Kikuchi recalls the importance of respecting scrupulous hand hygiene and quickly treating an open wound to avoid the proliferation of bacteria.

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