She feels a lump the size of a grape under her armpit and cannot imagine the fatal diagnosis that will follow – Closer

She feels a lump the size of a grape under her armpit and cannot imagine the fatal diagnosis that will follow – Closer
She feels a lump the size of a grape under her armpit and cannot imagine the fatal diagnosis that will follow – Closer

“Why me ?”. Kelly Bawcombe is a 39-year-old mother with no history. Except that his life has
changed overnight because of’an incurable disease. One evening in March, the surgical nurse noticed a small ball the size of a grape under his armpit. “While I was showering, I noticed a sort of rubbery bump under my right armpit, where you shave“, she says. “It was about the size of a grape, it was not at all painful to touch“, she detailed.

Being concerned about her health, she took
measures which she thought were the best at that time. “I immediately thought ‘oh, I must be sick’ and I just lymph nodes raised. I thought I was just catching something like a virus or the flu“, she continued. Except that in two weeks, the little ball had reached the size of a golf ball. Which, of course, prompted him to see his GP.

A diagnosis that changed everything

Kelly Bawcombe’s doctor then guided him to
a breast cancer clinic. So she did
two biopsies as well as’a mammogram. “I received a call two days after my biopsies from a nurse at Macmillan asking me to bring a loved one. I knew it then“, she remembers, continuing: “I had a full body scan and was told the cancer had also spread to my liver and boneswhich is classified as
stage four“.

I was a surgical nurse for years and cared for breast cancer patients for 15 years. I had no other symptoms“, she added. This

emphasizes that cancer that has reached stage 4 is classified as incurable. Additionally, no other member of Kelly Bawcombe’s family has suffered from breast cancer. Except that this type of case would be more and more common.

“My goal is to see my daughter get married”

By telling her story, Kelly Bawcombe took the opportunity to advise everyone to pay attention to even the smallest signs of possible cancer. “If I could give one piece of advice, I would tell people to get rid of any lumps on their body and wash their hands so they can
feel bumps or masses on you“, she advises. “I tell everyone now, don’t ignore it, go to your GP and do a biopsy
immediately“, she added.

Regarding her situation, Kelly Bawcombe confides that her dearest dream would be to being able to see your 7 year old daughter grow up. “My goal is to see my daughter get married, be happy and live long“, she confided with emotion. “We hope to get to a point where there is no active cancer in the body, where it will no longer grow, but you will still live with cancer“, she hopes.



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