This is the least sporty region in France, and it’s no surprise

This is the least sporty region in France, and it’s no surprise
This is the least sporty region in France, and it’s no surprise

Tuesday June 11, Public Health France published a barometer which evaluates the sporting activity of the French. In the country, one region stands out for its very high sedentary lifestyle.

150 to 300 minutes of moderate-intensity sporting activity per week. This is what the WHO recommends as a weekly physical activity rhythm. A pace far from being respected by the French, as evidenced by the results of a Public Health France survey published Tuesday June 11. According to the organization, the French do not do enough sport, and there are many inequalities between different French regions regarding their sporting practice, and there are many inequalities between different French regions.

Île de France is the least sporty region in the country

Among the regions least inclined to do sporting activity, France’s Island, the level of sedentary lifestyle reaching 30%. THE Northeast is also pinned down by the organization. This result is due to a more sedentary lifestyle in large cities.

“Promoting active lifestyles in urban areas, making the environment attractive and dynamic, particularly for young people, and creating alternatives to prolonged sedentary work are all ways of combating the lack of physical activity and increasing sedentary lifestyle. »

Public Health France.

Read also: Children are more and more sedentary and girls are the ones who move the least

Conversely, the most active regions are the Brittany And Occitania, which stand out with a higher frequency of physical activity than the national level. The survey also reveals that the French are generally poor students when it comes to a sedentary lifestyle: More than one in five adults report spending more than seven hours a day in a seated position “.

However, they still do one thing in the right way, since: “ more than 9 in 10 adults say they get up at least every two hours in case of prolonged sitting », thus following the French recommendations on the subject, we can read in the study.

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