VIDEO. Horses to support people with Alzheimer’s disease

VIDEO. Horses to support people with Alzheimer’s disease
VIDEO. Horses to support people with Alzheimer’s disease

Equine therapy to support Alzheimer’s patients? It is a new cure for Alzheimer’s disease. Equine therapy makes it possible to treat patients using horses! An atypical treatment which has spectacular effects. Every week in Bouches-du-Rhône, an association supports hundreds of people thanks to this new practice. Rudy Dahan went to meet them for LaProvence. A new report produced by the TV7 channel (member of the Sud-Ouest group), to be found in the Grand JT des Territoires newspaper this week, Cyril Viguier’s show broadcast on TV5 Monde and LCP.

Also on the table this week is unemployment in priority neighborhoods. Its level is up to three times higher than that of other zones. Faced with this, the State is mobilizing businesses, particularly in Gironde. A major event was organized in several municipalities in the department. The objective: to enable people living in these stressed areas to obtain a work or apprenticeship contract. A new report produced by the TV7 channel (member of the Sud-Ouest group).

How to recruit volunteer firefighters?

Volunteer firefighters: lack of arms! The firefighters are short of manpower. For several years, numbers have been declining, particularly among volunteers. In Moselle, measures have been put in place to recruit more, particularly in a barracks where unique demonstrations and presentations make it possible to attract future volunteers. A report produced by Coline Lexpert for our partner Moselle TV.

Prostitution of minors: an alarming scourge Prostitution is becoming a real scourge among minors. Nearly 20,000 young people are affected. An alarming reality which often appears as a taboo. In Martinique, a movement breaks the silence and intervenes in schools to warn of this threat. Interactive workshops, information sessions and psychological support… the solutions are numerous. A report by Hélène Serignac for the viàAtv channel.

Road safety: seniors more dangerous? Road safety, a challenge for all ages! Among seniors, the decline in physical abilities sometimes makes their driving more dangerous. One in five accidents involves a senior. In the Loire, the municipal police offer a refresher course to correct bad habits. A report produced by Marie Lys Pariot for the TL7 channel.

The Grand JT des Territoires is produced in collaboration with all the local television channels and the editorial staff of the major regional daily press groups. It mobilizes 200 journalists who report reports from all territories.



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