A teenager invents a watch capable of detecting the first signs of stroke

A teenager invents a watch capable of detecting the first signs of stroke
A teenager invents a watch capable of detecting the first signs of stroke

In the United States, young Naya Ellis (fourteen years old) won a science competition for her invention. This is a connected watch that can identify the warning signs of a stroke. How does this device work?

Detect internal signs that precede stroke

According to a publication by the World Health Organization (WHO), no less than fifteen million people suffer a stroke every year worldwide. Of these people, five million lose their lives and five million survive with permanent disability. Therefore, any solution that allows spot the signs of a stroke is obviously welcome. Furthermore, the two major modifiable risk factors are hypertension and smoking.

Naya Ellis is a young teenager living in New Orleans (United States), a student at John F. Kennedy High School in 9th grade. She distinguished herself through the NOLA STEM science program, which provides a long-term scholarship to top low-income students. To obtain it, the student designed a watch that would allow detect signs of stroke before it is too late.

For now, the WingItt watch is just a prototype; but she could interest certain giants of the medical sector. It must be said that the device can detect heartbeats which become irregular, but also nerve impulses, another warning sign of stroke. However, detecting these internal signs early can obviously save lives since every minute counts.

Credits: STEM NOLA

Towards large-scale commercialization?

Naya Ellis was interviewed for an article published March 14, 2024, by The 74, a nonprofit news organization that covers the U.S. education system from early childhood through college and career. For the moment, Naya Ellis has not expressed the wish to become an engineer or even a neurologist. In fact, the teenager is clearly destined for a career as an obstetrician-gynecologist.

As for the WingItt watch, Naya Ellis is not opposed to mass production. On the other hand, she has one wish: that this watch be financially accessible to the elderly as well as to any individual in need.

If the teenager’s invention makes it possible to detect the internal warning signs of a stroke, let us remember that there are still also external signs that can be spotted. These include, for example, numbness on one side of the body (e.g. face), loss of vision, severe headaches, sudden loss of balance and difficulty organizing thoughts or finding one’s way.



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