The worrying invasion of tiger mosquitoes

The worrying invasion of tiger mosquitoes
The worrying invasion of tiger mosquitoes

DECRYPTION – With incessant spring rains, the already expanding population of tiger mosquitoes could explode. To the point of worrying the authorities who fear a peak in contamination during the Olympics.

This article comes from Figaro Magazine

Slender, discreet, without pity or mercy, he has everything of a serial killer. Unlike other mosquitoes present in France, the tiger mosquito, or Aedes albopictus, occurs more during the day than at night, and females bite mainly at the beginning and end of the day. Striped black and white, it has five white stripes on its legs and a line of the same color on its head and back (thorax). Smaller than native species, it measures on average 5 millimeters, approximately the size of an ant, and its completely silent flight makes it undetectable by the human ear.

Since mid-May, the Mosquito Vigilance site has made public a new map of its presence in our country in 2024. Unsurprisingly, the creature has taken up residence in new spaces and nearly 90% of the territory is now under surveillance. . If the red vigilance affects 74 metropolitan departments, to which are added 5 overseas departments…

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