In France, in which region do we do the most (and least) physical activity?

In France, in which region do we do the most (and least) physical activity?
In France, in which region do we do the most (and least) physical activity?

second wind – In its barometer on physical activity and sedentary lifestyle of adults in France in 2021 published this Tuesday, Public Health France shows regional disparities

Thirty minutes of moderate to vigorous intensity physical activity per day. Many of us are aware of the WHO recommendations. But are there so many of us who follow them? Public Health France is publishing this Tuesday the results of its barometer on the national and regional prevalence of physical activity and sedentary lifestyle among adults in France in 2021.

The figures vary according to age, gender, level of diploma, professional situation but also… the region. Where do we move the most and, on the contrary, where are we most sedentary? Charlotte Verdot, scientific project manager at Public Health France, discusses the main lessons of this study.

Brittany and Occitanie in good shape

On the fitness podium: Brittany and Occitanie. 78.9% of Bretons and 77.2% of Occitans meet the WHO recommendations for physical activity. Even if it is difficult to analyze this trend in detail, Charlotte Verdot puts forward some ideas. “Brittany is one of the regions in which the poverty rate and the unemployment rate are the lowest and where the diploma rate is one of the highest. And we know that graduation rate and level of physical activity are linked. »

But that doesn’t (…) Read more on 20minutes

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