He complains of a cough that lasts, what the doctors find in his throat is hardly imaginable

He complains of a cough that lasts, what the doctors find in his throat is hardly imaginable
He complains of a cough that lasts, what the doctors find in his throat is hardly imaginable

Regular and excessive tobacco consumption provokes
coughing fits. This symptom is nothing to worry about, as Nicolas Roche, pulmonologist at Cochin hospital, explains to our colleagues at the magazine Top Health :
“We have receptors in the airways made of small nerve endings that make us cough when we are exposed to irritants.”

Coughing is therefore a defense mechanism which allows us to get rid of said agents, and it is quite useful as long as it remains in suitable proportions.” However, persistent and untimely coughing fits can, although very rarely, signal a completely different kind of problem. This is what happened to a man from Austria…

A Cough That Lasts? This Discovery Will Make Your Hair Go Wrinkles!

In 2006, this Austrian, aged around thirty, who had been smoking for around 16 years, consulted his doctor for treat coughing fits which prevent him from breathing at night and

causes snoring. Examinations carried out on him a year later using a small camera revealed the presence of bacteria-covered hairs in an area of ​​his throat where he was operated on in the past.

Regular treatment and check-ups are then necessary to treat this “anomaly”, the hairs disappearing as soon as they are cut. However, doctors refuse to launch a curative procedure as long as their patient has not stopped smoking, which he did in 2020. At the age of 49, “endoscopic plasma coagulation with argon” finally makes it possible toeradicate hair growth in his throat.

How was this cough caused?

The growth of so-called “endotracheal” hairs is an extremely rare disease. There are only a handful of cases in the history of medicine. According to doctors, the shoot would have been caused by smoking which can cause inflammation of the tissues in the throat, transforming stem cells into hair follicles.

“We hypothesize that the onset of hair growth was triggered by the
[consommation de cigarettes]
of the patient” [dont la
trachée avait été “ouverte” par un accident de noyade à l’âge de 10
ans, puis “fermée” à du cartilage et de la peau de son oreille,
can we read in theAmerican Journal of Case



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