These daily habits are making your allergies worse: stop them now!

These daily habits are making your allergies worse: stop them now!
These daily habits are making your allergies worse: stop them now!

Pollen allergies, also known as allergic rhinitis or hay fever, affect millions of people each year. Symptoms include sneezing, runny nose, watery eyes and itching. These allergic reactions can be particularly debilitating during periods of high pollen concentration. However, many people make mistakes that make their symptoms worse.

Not correctly identifying the pollens in question

One of the most common mistakes is not knowing what type of pollen causes the allergy. There are several types of pollen allergens, including tree, grass and weed pollens.

  • Tree Pollen : Frequent in spring, notably birch, oak and plane tree.
  • Grass pollen : More common in summer, with examples like orchardgrass and ryegrass.
  • Weed Pollen : Problematic in late summer and fall, like ragweed.

Without this identification, it is difficult to take adequate steps to avoid exposure. Allergological tests, carried out by health professionals, make it possible to precisely determine the responsible allergens.

Opening windows incorrectly

For many people, airing their home seems like a healthy practice. However, during pollen season, this can be counterproductive.

  • Time of the day : Pollen concentrations are often highest in the early morning and late afternoon. Opening windows at these times can bring more pollen into your home.
  • Weather situation : Windy days favor the dispersion of pollen. It is best to keep the windows closed and ventilate the house after rain, when pollen is less present in the air.

Studies show that allergy sufferers who close their windows during periods of high pollen concentrations significantly reduce their symptoms.

Neglecting regular washing of hair and clothes

Pollens are easily deposited on hair, clothing and skin. Ignoring this reality can intensify allergic attacks.

  • Hair washing : Pollens accumulated in the hair can be inhaled during the night, exacerbating symptoms. It is advisable to wash your hair every evening during pollen season.
  • Change of clothes : Wearing the same clothes all day allows pollen to remain in contact with the skin and mucous membranes. Changing clothes after coming indoors can reduce this exposure.

Using medications inappropriately

Antihistamines and nasal sprays are commonly used to treat allergy symptoms. However, their incorrect use can limit their effectiveness.

  • Antihistamines : Many people wait until their symptoms become unbearable before taking antihistamines. For optimal effectiveness, it is recommended to start treatment before the start of the pollen season.
  • Nasal sprays : Poor administration technique can reduce the effectiveness of sprays. It is important to follow the doctor’s instructions or package leaflet for correct use.

Clinical studies have demonstrated that the preventive use of antihistamines significantly reduces the severity of symptoms.

Underestimating the impact of diet

Certain foods can exacerbate pollen allergy symptoms through cross-reactions.

  • Oral allergy syndrome : People allergic to birch pollen, for example, may react to certain fruits like apples and hazelnuts. These reactions appear as itching or swelling of the mouth and throat.
  • Anti-inflammatory foods : A diet rich in omega-3, found in fatty fish, can help reduce inflammation and allergy symptoms.

Changing your diet can therefore play a crucial role in managing pollen allergies.

Ignoring Indoor Air Quality

Indoor air quality has a direct impact on allergies. Pollens can accumulate in the house if proper measures are not taken.

  • Air purifiers : Using air purifiers with HEPA filters can significantly reduce indoor pollen concentrations.
  • Air conditioner : Using air conditioning with pollen filters can help maintain healthy indoor air.

Studies indicate that air purifiers reduce allergen particles in homes, improving the quality of life of allergy sufferers.

Underestimating the importance of overall health

A weakened immune system or unhealthy body can exacerbate allergic reactions. Taking care of your overall health is therefore essential.

  • Physical exercise : Regular exercise strengthens the immune system, but it is advisable to exercise indoors or when pollen levels are low.
  • Hydration : Drinking enough water helps keep the nasal mucous membranes hydrated and reduces irritation.

To minimize the impact of pollen allergies, it is crucial to recognize and avoid these common mistakes. Proactive and informed management of triggers, combined with appropriate treatments, can significantly improve the quality of life of allergy sufferers. By incorporating these tips into your daily routine, you can reduce the intensity and frequency of your allergy symptoms, making pollen season more bearable.



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